Microsoft and its “Responsible AI Standard”
Microsoft has announced its new Responsible AI Standard, with important implications for the use of artificial intelligence, with special attention to privacy concerns
Microsoft has announced its new Responsible AI Standard, with important implications for the use of artificial intelligence, with special attention to privacy concerns
When surfing the Internet we usually accept all cookies from the pages we visit and this is a mistake because, although they facilitate the browsing experience, they collect a lot of personal data, damaging our security.
Privacy by design can be a really valuable approach for the FinTech sector, as understanding privacy as a core value can be a differentiating factor among competitors
The EU and the US reached a new agreement for international data transfers, but the history between the two has been very turbulent in this matter.
Processing personal data can be difficult if it is done without taking into account the risks involved, especially when dealing with sensitive data. Complying with current regulations can be costly, so it will be necessary to assess the risks. Do you carry out high-risk
The new EU Whistleblowing Directive requires companies to establish a system which allows employees and others to report any possible misconduct, in a safe and confidential manner, and it is crucial for them to understand how to do so.
The new EU Whistleblowing Directive requires companies to establish a system which allows employees and others to report any possible misconduct, in a safe and confidential manner, and it is crucial for them to understand how to do so.
Data has become more valuable over time, and privacy challenges are becoming more usual for most companies. Complying with GDPR is essential, and solutions like Anonymization and Pseudonymization can be key methods to overcome these challenges.
Almost every company is aware about how important and crucial it is to invest in Cybersecurity, as data has become a key factor for companies to grow.
AI has proven to be key for most Fintech companies, but it has some crucial implications and risks from a privacy and GDPR perspective.